I was inspired to have a Galentine's Day Party.
The guests are diverse and very great friends.
The menu is fabulous! Included on the menu are;
Angelfood cupcakes with hidden raspberry centers,

Cupcake tin mini Omelets,
Strawberry brownies and mini Parfaits,
Chocolate Cherry Scones

Red and white Charcuterie board

I will serve Hisbiscus Tea with orange slice ice cubes;
Prosecco, Perrier, Juices including Cranberry, Strawberry, and Pomegranate along with Raspberry Spumante.
Guests will receive multiple gifts including dark chocolate, custom made art pieces and other surprises that we won't give away here!
I wish I could invite you all! Maybe you can make plans for your own memorable Galentines day.
Have a pleasant Sunday.