Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Postcard Twitter Art Exhibit

I found this organization by accident.  And I'm glad I did.   I am participating.
There is a little time for you to register.  Proceeds go to Charity.   The sponsoring City is Edinburgh.  You can host an event in your city.  I will explore the possibility as we have a GREAT art community here in Phoenix.

#TwitterArtExhibit founder, David Sandum

“Through art we can change the world.”

#TwitterArtExhibit utilizes social media and public engagement to generate income for charities and nonprofit organizations. In the past, #TwitterArtExhibit has generated funds for a library suffering from deep funding cuts to purchase much-needed children’s books, for an abused women’s shelter seeking to improve the lives of the families they serve, and for an arts organization mentoring underprivileged young adults in preparation for careers in the visual arts.  Artists, worldwide, donate postcard-sized, handmade original artwork to the TAE.

Artists worldwide donate postcard-sized, handmade original artwork to the TAE
TwitterArtExhibit organizes a local, physical showcasing of the art.
The public is invited to buy the art at an affordable, flat price.
This provides artists with new exhibition opportunities, new audiences and benefactors, and appeals to art enthusiasts all over the world.

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ZEN for me.

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