Friday, February 1, 2019

Take a Break

Hi Again and Happy Friday!

We here at DIY Design Studio are very excited for our Valentine's Day Card Exchange!  And, because of just finishing my cards for that very thing, I thought I would give myself a little bit of an "art break" and just doodle a bit.  I do love spending time with you though so I took some pics and thought I would bring you along with me.   
I'm sure you have heard of Zentangle.  If not, it is an art form that a couple, Rick and Maria, fell upon back around 2003.  It was a happy accident one day that happened to some of her hand lettered art.  They found that they loved the result of what happened.  They knew they could teach it to others who wanted to create, but doubted their own art abilties.  I, like most that try it find it soothing.  So, I have spent a little time each night over the last couple days and just relaxed with my journal and favorite pen, no rules, no design, just letting my mind doodle and take a break.  
I have a beautiful journal that I found at Pike Place Market years ago.   I love this little journal with its handmade papers and this is where I do most of my sketches, thoughts on my future projects, doodles and Zentangles.  

If you want to give it a try, but are a little intimidated, you can always pick up one of these fun options where a lot of the work is done for you and you can really get to relaxing.  Add some watercolor pencils and you are ready! 
Here is that beautiful journal.  It is approximately 6x6 and covered in hand dyed rice paper. 
Now, let's start a tangle.  You can see below that I create points on my page.  They can be anywhere you want.  I generally create the four quadrants like you see below to start. 
Next,  I break those quadrants up sometimes by a lot and sometimes not as much.  This one below is a more detailed version.  The beginning stages are the "no brainer" stages.  I just draw lines and shapes breaking up the square with not much thought as to the final outcome.  And, then I just doodle.  The only rule that I sometimes follow is to repeat a pattern, whether it is circles, dots or lines, etc. 
And, here is that same page with three of the four quadrants done and one with a couple swatches filled in. 
You do not need to be an artist to try this and be successful at it.  It may not be for everyone, but I do think everyone should give it a try.  You just need paper and a pen.  I am quite picky about my paper and pen now, but when I started I grabbed what was close and just tangled and found my moment or two of Zen.  I hope you give it a try the next time you feel the need to take a break and a breath.  Give yourself that little gift and create something beautiful in the process. 

Find your art inspiration needs at DIY Design Studio.  
Thanks for joining me!
Steph S. 

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ZEN for me.

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